Tag Archives: swine flu
WIM News (our real attempt at bringing the fake news to you…)

WIM News (our real attempt at bringing the fake news to you…)

Posted 13 June 2009 | By | Categories: fun | 11 Comments

TweetSo this is our first attempt at bringing fake news to the real Philippines. It started out as three guys and a camera… though the thoughts of a gay porno may have crossed the minds of my esteemed co-producers; I quickly denied any further thoughts in this direction. We were filming for our new online […]


The kid that started the Swine Flu / H1N1 Virus….

Posted 27 May 2009 | By | Categories: fun | 5 Comments

TweetSo here’s the kid that started the Swine Flu…. H1N1 Virus Tweet
