Tag Archives: snl
Halloween 2009 & my costume!!!

Halloween 2009 & my costume!!!

Posted 02 November 2009 | By | Categories: fun | 6 Comments

Tweet Celebrating Halloween in the U.S. of A. is one of the best experiences that I love coming back to! It’s a billion dollar industry here that is taken with the utmost sincerity! See some of my past Halloween costumes here – Halloween & the many faces of Vince!!! Tweet

WIM News (our real attempt at bringing the fake news to you…)

WIM News (our real attempt at bringing the fake news to you…)

Posted 13 June 2009 | By | Categories: fun | 11 Comments

TweetSo this is our first attempt at bringing fake news to the real Philippines. It started out as three guys and a camera… though the thoughts of a gay porno may have crossed the minds of my esteemed co-producers; I quickly denied any further thoughts in this direction. We were filming for our new online […]
