Tag Archives: fucked

damn monkeys

Posted 11 July 2008 | By | Categories: life | 1 Comment

TweetTwo weeks ago, a superior officer to myself assigned me the task of “Operation Homework.” It is a vital piece of the main mission objective for “Operation Graduation.” I was given this task at exactly 1600 Pacific Time two weeks ago from today and its completion is expected by tomorrow. Two minutes ago, I started […]


10 ways to know you’re living in a third world country……

Posted 08 July 2008 | By | Categories: life | 3 Comments

Tweet10. They sell cigarettes and candies by the piece. (A whole pack is waaaaaay too expensive for some)     9. You unplug the microwave when not in use to save money on your electric bill. (That clock is really an unnecessary expense)     8. Braces on your teeth is a high class status […]
